October 2013 Minutes

Minutes for October 2nd Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from the September Meeting were not read, but were posted on the Mindbridge website.
  3. Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
  4. ICON
    1. Coming Soon!
    2. Programming being finalized.
    3. Pre-con author signing at Barnes and Noble.
  5. Gamicon
    1. Guest Finalized — Chris O’Neill, creator of Kobolds Ate My Baby.
    2. Meeting this Sunday.
  6. AnimeIowa
    1. First meeting of the year October 19th at 2:00 pm at the Coralville Convention Center.
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — There will be a game demo at Hobby Corner this Friday evening, Sentinels of the Universe.
    2. Book Group — Monday October 14th at Coffee Smiths in Cedar Rapids at 6 pm. They will be discussing Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson.
    3. Film Group — On Hiatus at this time.
  8. Old Business
    1. Update on Mindbridge Reads: Mark McKibben still in the lead with 128 books.
    2. New Mindbridge Harassment Policy will soon be posted on the website and elsewhere.
    3. $200 approved for Girl’s Math Games Project.
    4. A bid for the 2014 ICON was discussed and voted on. The bid was accepted.
  9. New Business
    1. Social Event for November will be a discussion of Marvel’s Avengers and related topics.
  10. Adjournment

Next Mindbridge meeting: November 6th at 7 pm at the Denny Lynch home.