October 2012 Minutes

  1. Attendance: Josh + Lindsay Elliott, Jon, Michele + Rhianna Maakestad, Pat McCauley, Steve Tait, Peter Weezman, Andrew Miller, Kris Sigsbee, Jim Castlebury, Tiffany (? AI)
  2. normal meeting stuff quick reports from the conventions
  3. Treasurer’s report
    1. People need to make sure they put information in the notes field (Not me, I’m Perfect -J)
  4. ICON
    1. Register register register! Event submissions end on Friday
  5. Gamicon
    1. Still working on a Guest
  6. AnimeIowa
    1. Convention bid for 2014 coming up soon AI, Yay AI
    2. just as we were talking about AI Pat rolled in and gave us a quick update about last meeting and the dire need for Volunteers
  7. Game Library
    1. bought extra dimensional spaces for its Dominion sets (or something similar but mundane)
  8. Old Biz:
    1. Shirts should be in soon says Michele M, but due to some “specialness” with the supply chain they may not be “exactly” as ordered, but should be close
    2. Please look for an email when we get close to ICON with details on how to pick up your shirt! (if its really close to ICON inundate Michele with emails about it — J)
  9. New Biz:
    1. AI bid for 2013, that pat will post the electronic files for soon was approved with 6 hands yea, 1 hand nay and one hand Joshing (is that a proper noun still, i dont know I’m a programmer not a writer! – J)
    2. Presented the By laws change we will be voting on next month:
      1. Article V, Section 7 – Established Committees

        Add: Mindbridge Game Library the Mindbridge Game Library Shall serve the Mindbridge Foundation by maintaining the “pick up and play” games that are owned by Mindbridge, this includes keeping a current inventory of games, purchasing new games with money set aside by Mindbridge, and helping Mindbridge Projects make these games available to their attendees.

  10. AND THEN!!!! Steve and Josh traded books, why, because we were the only people to remember to bring books
  11. AND THEN!!!!!! the absconded to Yotopia for froyo slumming on the park bench out side to be attacked by leaves
  12. AND THEN!!!!!!!!
  13. this is why you don’t have Josh take notes.
  14. NO-MORE-AND-THEN!!!!!111!!!!one!!!!