September 2012 Minutes

Minutes for September 5th Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from the August Meeting were not read, but are posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
  3. Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
  4. ICON
    1. Coming soon!
    2. Mailing coming out this week.
  5. Gamicon
    1. Coming not so soon, but coming none the less.
  6. AnimeIowa
    1. Wrap-Up meeting September 15th at the Coralville Convention Center at 2:00 pm.
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — Running “Crappy Birthday” at Hobby Corner in Iowa City Saturday September 8th at 5:30 pm. Also inventory meeting coming.
    2. Book Group — September 10th at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing The Magic Thief: Lost by Sarah Prineas.
    3. Film Group — September 14th at the Denny Lynch home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Popeye, Flash Gordon, or Miranda. A vote will be taken to select the feature.
  8. Old Business
    1. Planning for our next social event. After the next Mindbridge meeting join us for a paperback book exchange. Bring up to 5 books to share and trade. We will follow this up with an expedition to seek out frozen treats in Iowa City.
    2. Work gloves were donated by Josh for the storage area.
  9. New Business
    1. AI Con Comm vote has been postponed until the October meeting in order to clarify some information.
    2. Dessert Contest was held. Many yummy, geeky things appeared. Michelle McKibben won the prize for most tasty and Bryon Stump won for most creative.
  10. Adjournment.

Next Mindbridge meeting: October 3rd at the Iowa City Public Library at 6:00 PM.