Minutes for August 1st Mindbridge Meeting
- Call to Order
- Minutes from the July Meeting were not read, butare posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
- Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
- AnimeIowa
- It happened!
- Went Smooth! 3204 Attendees on the books, 3086 warm bodies.
- Post Mortem Meeting September 15th,2:00 pm at the Coralville Convention Center.
- Nothing much to report at this time.
- Gamicon
- Been having meetings, working on guests.
- Registration up soon!
- Other Projects
- Game Library — Big hit at AnimeIowa!
- Book Group — August 20th at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing Reamde by Neal Stephenson.
- Film Group — August 10th at the Shannon Ryan home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Death Note (Live Action).
- Old Business
- Planning for our next social event. Meeting at the Denny Lynch home for a Geek Mingle, bring a geek-themed dessert to share. A prize will be awarded for the best dessert.
- Mindbridge Polos: New logo and shirts to come from Rage Graphics. Prices coming soon!
- New Business
- AI Staff: we are looking for feedback on how things went this year. Contact Catherine Schaff-Stump. Let her know what went well and what needs improvement.
- In view of events at ReaderCon this year, theboard is currently updating the Mindbridge policy on harassment.
- Membership will vote to ammend the AnimeIowa bid for 2013 at the September Mindbridge meeting.
- Adjournment to the Mill Restaurant for socialhijinx.
Next Mindbridge meeting: September 5th at the Denny Lynch Home at 7:00PM.