Minutes for November 2nd Mindbridge Meeting
- Call to Order
- Minutes from October Meeting were not read, but are posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
- Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
- ICON Report
- We had another one.
- 383 attendees.
- Made a modest profit.
- Good feedback from attendees and guests alike.
- Gamicon
- Meeting this Sunday.
- Dealer’s registrations coming in.
- AnimeIowa Report
- Next Meeting — January 21st 2:00 pm at the Coralville Marriot.
- Other Projects
- Game Library — Was used well and well run at ICON. All games have returned home.
- Book Group — November 14th at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing Beggers in Spain by Nancy Kress.
- Film Group — November 18th at the Ian Philpott home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Logan’s Run.
- Old Business
- Visioning Retreat for the Mindbridge Board: November 19th from 10:00 to 3:00 pm at Coffee Talk Café.
- ICON Bid for 2012 was voted on and accepted.
- New Business
- ICON purchased the remaining ICON 36 T-Shirts and donated them to the Mindbridge Volunteer Prize System. They can be purchased for 50 volunteer points.
- C.J. Flinn was voted in as our newest Mindbridge member.
- Adjournment
Next meeting: December 7th at the Iowa City Public Library at 6:00 PM.