Minutes for September 7th Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from August Meeting were not read, but are posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
  3. Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
  4. ICON Report
    1. A general mailing will be coming out within the week.
    2. Things are progressing.
    3. Programming is being planned.
  5. Gamicon
    1. Gamicon PayPal should be running soon!
    2. Save the dates, February 10th through the 12th.
  6. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Post Mortem was held.
    2. They are still considering the data received.
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — Was used well and well run at AnimeIowa.
    2. Book Group — September 12th at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing The Love We Share Without Knowing by Christopher Barzak.
    3. Film Group — September 23rd at the Mark And Michelle McKibben home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Godzilla 2000.
  8. Old Business
    1. Progress is being made on the Mindbridge Kirkwood English Department Scholarship.
  9. New Business
    1. Iowa City Zombie March coming up September 17th. Theme is superheroes.
    2. Iowa City Zombie Ball is coming up October 20th. To benefit the Red Shamrock Foundation, which support Cancer After Care. Old Brick Community Center.
  10. Adjournment