Minutes for May 4th Mindbridge Meeting
- Call to Order
- Minutes from April Meeting were not read, but are posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
- Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.
- AnimeIowa Report
- Next meeting — This Saturday, May 7th at 2:00 pm at the Coralville Convention Center.
- ICON Report
- No Report
- Gamicon Report
- This Sunday’s meeting cancelled due to illness.
- Other Projects
- Game Library — No Report.
- Book Group — May 23rd at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing The Affinity Bridge by George Mann.
- Film Group — May 20th at the McKibben home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Jason and the Argonauts.
- Mindbridge Annual Meeting coming up May 21st at the Canterbury Inn in Coralville from 12 to 4 pm. We will be voting for one of our board positions. There will be much food and games.
- Old Business
- Marty is arranging the Mindbridge Locker clean-out on the Mindbridge list. He wants convention departments to come at different times and dates to go through their materials.
- We are looking into how we might make a charitable donation to help with the disaster in Japan. We are contacting Trek Fest to see if we can work with them on this.
- New Business
- Steve Tait is working on a new Apples to Apples style Anime game and will approach Mindbridge for funds to print it for the Game Library.
- Adjournment
Next meeting: June 1st at the Iowa City Public Library at 6:00 PM.