Minutes for September 1st Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from August Meeting were not read, but will be posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
  3. Treasurer’s Report was not read.
  4. Icon Report
    1. November 5th — 7th A mailing will be out soon. Register on the website.
    2. Wylde Nept will be playing Friday night.
  5. Gamicon Report
    1. Just had a meeting. Guests of Honor will be Budcats, Video Game Designers.
    2. Date February 11th — 13th
    3. Next meeting September 12th
  6. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Just had post mortum — big plans ahead
    2. Already 337 preregs for next year
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — Bought many new games, demos continue at Hobby Corner, check out the facebook page.
    2. Book Group – Book Group will be meeting at 6:00 pm on September 13th at Coffee Talk Café. They will be discussing Nation by Terry Pratchett.
    3. Film Group will be meeting at 6:30 pm on September 24th at Denny Lynch’s home. They will be watching and discussing The Testament of Dr. Mabuse.
  8. Old Business
    1. None
  9. New Business
    1. Need a person to manage our event calendar on Google groups
    2. Christine is resigning as Mindbridge Treasurer in two months. Who would be a good replacement? Job requires about 4 to 6 hours a month.
    3. Requests from Fan Market and Game Library to buy new metal storage shelves.
    4. Suggestion that after Iowa City meetings we collect at Donnelly’s Pub for socializing.
  10. Adjournment

Next meeting: October 6th at the Iowa City Public Library at 6:00 PM.