April 2010 Minutes

Minutes for April 7th Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from March Meeting were not read, but have been posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
  3. Treasurer’s Report was read.
  4. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Slightly ahead on pre-registrations this year, currently 1016
  5. Icon Report
    1. New Website Up!
    2. Fan Guest of Honor Selected — Susan Leabhart
    3. Artist Guest to be announced soon!
  6. Gamicon Report
    1. Back in the Memorial Union next year.
  7. Other Projects
    1. Preplanning Committee — nothing to report.
    2. Game Library — No report.
    3. Book Group – Book Group will be meeting at 6:00 pm on April 26th at Coffee Talk Café. They will be discussing One Second After by William R. Forstchen.
    4. Film Group will be meeting at 7:00 pm on April 30th at Shannon Ryan’s home. They will be watching and discussing Doc Savage: Man of Bronze.
  8. Old Business
    1. Annual Membership meeting will be May 22nd in a picnic, cook-out format at a time and place yet to be determined.
  9. New Business
    1. Let’s examine our insurance and make sure our items in the storage locker are insured for replacement value.
    2. New Mindbridge member: Ben Phillips!
  10. Adjournment

Next meeting: May 5th at the Denny Lynch home in Cedar Rapids at 7:00 pm.