Minutes for September 2nd Mindbridge Membership Meeting
- Call to Order
- Minutes from the August Board Meeting were not read, but they have been posted on the Mindbridge list and on the web site.
- Treasurer’s Report
- Checking $44,993.53
- AnimeIowa $97,825.61
- ICON $765.50
- Gamicon $1,218.86
- ICON Report
- Everything is going well.
- We will have two LARPs, one targeted at younger fans and another for adults.
- Room reservations are $89 per night and the ICON room block closes Oct 1st.
- Gamicon Report
- No changes or information to report at this time.
- AnimeIowa Report
- Went really well.
- Over 2,600 attendees.
- Preplanning Committee Report
- Not currently active.
- Other Projects
- Game Library Group has three tubs of games.
- Tub A goes to all cons and has games of general interest.
- Tub B goes to ICON and Gamicon and has more specialized games.
- Tub C goes only to Gamicon with games only REAL gamers would want.
- The inventory of games in the library is posted on Google Groups.
- Game Library Group has three tubs of games.
- Old Business
- The proposed ICON 2010 bid was voted on and accepted.
- The possibility of trademarking some Mindbridge properties was discussed.
- The possibility of a new storage locker space versus office space was discussed.
- New Business
- Compensation for Con Staff was discussed.
- Announcements
- Go see District 9 if you don’t get motion sick easily.
- Book Group will be meeting at 6:00 pm on September 14th at Coffee Talk Café. They will be discussing Mort by Terry Pratchett.
- Film Group will be meeting at 7:00 pm on September 18th at Denny Lynch’s home. They will be discussing John Carpenter’s The Thing and Time After Time.
- Meeting Adjourned
Next Meeting Wednesday, October 7th at the Iowa City Public Library