September 2009 Minutes

Minutes for September 2nd Mindbridge Membership Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from the August Board Meeting were not read, but they have been posted on the Mindbridge list and on the web site.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Checking $44,993.53
    2. AnimeIowa $97,825.61
    3. ICON $765.50
    4. Gamicon $1,218.86
  4. ICON Report
    1. Everything is going well.
    2. We will have two LARPs, one targeted at younger fans and another for adults.
    3. Room reservations are $89 per night and the ICON room block closes Oct 1st.
  5. Gamicon Report
    1. No changes or information to report at this time.
  6. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Went really well.
    2. Over 2,600 attendees.
  7. Preplanning Committee Report
    1. Not currently active.
  8. Other Projects
    1. Game Library Group has three tubs of games.
      1. Tub A goes to all cons and has games of general interest.
      2. Tub B goes to ICON and Gamicon and has more specialized games.
      3. Tub C goes only to Gamicon with games only REAL gamers would want.
      4. The inventory of games in the library is posted on Google Groups.
  9. Old Business
    1. The proposed ICON 2010 bid was voted on and accepted.
    2. The possibility of trademarking some Mindbridge properties was discussed.
    3. The possibility of a new storage locker space versus office space was discussed.
  10. New Business
    1. Compensation for Con Staff was discussed.
  11. Announcements
    1. Go see District 9 if you don’t get motion sick easily.
    2. Book Group will be meeting at 6:00 pm on September 14th at Coffee Talk Café. They will be discussing Mort by Terry Pratchett.
    3. Film Group will be meeting at 7:00 pm on September 18th at Denny Lynch’s home. They will be discussing John Carpenter’s The Thing and Time After Time.
  12. Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting Wednesday, October 7th at the Iowa City Public Library