Meeting convened at 7 pm.
Attending: Jon Maakestad, Michele Maakestad, Mark McKibben, Michelle Weinard McKibben, Dan Wojcik, Denny Lynch, Marty Milder, Pat McCauley, Megan Daly, Lindsay Elliott (recorder).
Attending by proxy: Kris Sigsbee (Michele), Jenny Todd (???), Josh Elliott (Lindsay), Dave Schrader (Pat), Athena Foster.
- Reading of minutes was waived.
- Treasurer’s report was waived as the treasurer was not in attendance.
- AI Report (Pat/Dan): Meeting was held last week.
- Con executives would like to request that formal requests from Mindbridge to AI be communicated in writing, to avoid confusion or ambiguity.
- AI would like to get a Sam’s Club card, and wanted to know if Mindbridge would like to have a central account. Discussion ensued; AI is free to get a Sam’s Club card (a membership card, not a charge card), as cost is minimal.
- AI’s leadership stated that they will need to know about any changes made to the art show policy by June 1 in order to implement them effectively for this year’s show.
- Bids for AI 2010 are now open; Pat indicated that a bid was in progress.
- Pre-registration is open; about 1000 members are registered.
- ACTION: AI also had a PayPal question that needed to be addressed with the treasurer. Hopefully this can be addressed by email?
- ICON (Lindsay):
- Pre-registration is open on the website.
- Jori would love to hear about your programming ideas at programmingdept at iowa-icon dot com.
- Staff meeting will be held soon, mailings for dealers and art show going out soon.
- Gamicon (Jon/Lindsay):
- It’s still happening in about nine months.
- Pre-planning Committee (Dan/Pat/Lindsay):
- Pre-planning Committee met in April (!). Discussed and clarified its role, and discussed future planning for current Mindbridge projects.
- ACTION: Please send suggestions for guests for all three conventions to Lindsay at skipperdee at gmail dot com (subject: “guest ideas”). This will be discussed at the annual meeting (see below).
- Annual Meeting (Lindsay):
- Meeting will be held on Saturday, May 23 at 11 am, at the Canterbury Inn and Suites in Coralville.
- Formal business will include election of new members to the board (see below). Please plan to attend!
- Games from the Game Library will be available after formal business is concluded.
- Storage Locker (Marty):
- Storage locker cleanup to be held on Saturday, May 16, starting at noon (will hopefully be done by 2).
- If rain is imminent, Marty will email the Mindbridge Foundation list to cancel.
- Location is Quality Care Storage in North Liberty.
- Game Library (Michele):
- Game Library requested $100 to hold a “kickoff picnic” at a local park; date to be determined, but probably in late May or early June.
- Aim would be to revitalize interest in the group, make a “wish list” for new games, and set times for regular meetings (monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly).
- Money will be used to pay for space and food for this event, and if money is left, to purchase a game to be voted on at the picnic.
- Event will be publicized at local game stores; all who would like to get involved are welcome.
- ACTION: Board to discuss and approve.
- Nominations for Open Board of Directors Seats (Dan/Lindsay):
- Two positions will be filled at the Annual Meeting: the one-year at-large position currently held by Dan, who will be moving out of state, and a two-year position currently held by Steve Tait.
- The role of the board of directors as overseers and guides of the organization was discussed by current and former board members, who emphasized that they are always available for guidance and advice.
- Nominations were opened. Nominees include:
- Pat McCauley (one-year)
- Michelle Weinard McKibben (two-year)
- Noel Burns (unspecified, nominated by Dan Wojcik)
- Nominations will remain open until the May 23 annual meeting.
- ACTION: Please send an email to board at mindbridge dot org if interested in a board position, and/or come to the May 23 annual meeting to help choose the new board members.
- Game Library (Michele):
- Jon Maakestad will send out an email to the listserv to see if an outing to see the new Star Trek movie (premiering tomorrow) can be organized.
- On Friday May 15, 7 pm, the Film Group will be meeting to discuss Star Wars: A New Hope, at the McKibben residence.
- On Monday May 18, 6 pm, the Book Group will meet at Coffee Talk Cafe; book is The Princess Bride by William Goldman.
- Denny gave a brief Demicon report; attendance was around 350-400 in Des Moines last weekend. Next year will be moving back to the old location (Holiday Inn/former HoJo) due to renovations at Hotel Fort Des Moines.
- Denny also mentioned a Star Trek exhibit (including scripts from the movies by Nichola Meyer) going on at the University of Iowa Main Library (3rd floor, near Special Collections) to coincide with the movie release.
- Megan mentioned that the Iowa City Public Library is accepting submissions of “reconstructed books” (art made from discarded books) for a charity auction to be held in June.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm. Next meeting: Wednesday, June 3, at the Iowa City Public Library.
Webmaster’s Note: Our webhost moved the Mindbridge website to a new server without first informing us, causing the loss of this post. I’m reposting it so we don’t permanently lose the information, but this may cause the information to appear twice in your RSS reader.