Attendees: Megan Daly, Pat McCauley, Robin Buskirk, Bryon Stump, Josh Elliott, Lindsay Elliott, Jenny Todd, Christine Cromwell, David Leach, Marty Milder
- Discussed anime Iowa moving dates in the future(we want them to move to a better weekend).
- ICON sent out a postcard
- Gamicon is AWESOME!
- Pre-Planning Committee meeting April 11th at 11 am at the Mariott
- Old Business
- All qualms about insurance were put to rest by Christine
- a revised Mindbridge Copyright policy was put forth by Josh Elliott
- it was voted satisfactory and will now be sent to a lawyer to be vetted
- copies at this time are available from Josh for perusal
- New Business
- Request for the website to show the date,time and place for out next membership meeting in a prominent place on the front page, and to re-examine the right most sidebar of the front page for out of date information
- No information on the annual meeting was available
- Josh Elliott presented preliminary policies for mailing list and cash handling, is looking for people to assist with writing them.
- Josh Elliott presented a preliminary “Mindbridge Workshop weekend” event that would not be a convention but a staff retreat type event
- He will try to put forth the bid for it next month (and then vote on it the month afterwards)
- the Next few meeting places were discussed and the next meeting is at Casa Lynch at 7pm the first wednesday of may, the June meeting will be at ICPL again at 6pm and the july meeting will be the 2nd Saturday in july (to avoid the 4th of july) hopefully at ICPL or if we can find a better location in the meantime.
- Marty put forth the date of may 16th, as the tenative date for storage locker clean out, if this date doesnt work for you please let Marty know.