Mindbridge Meeting, January 7, 2009
Spatiotemporal Location: Casa Lynch. Meeting called to order by Bryon Stump, president, at 7:02 pm.
Attending: [Secretary’s note: list needed.]
- Reading of December minutes was waived.
- Treasurer’s report: Available on Google group or by request from treasurer.
- Gamicon Report: Josh and Lindsay Elliott reported that Gamicon is happening February 2009, irrespective of weather.
- ICON Report: Steve Tait gave a summary of the ICON budget; in summary, about $1000 was received in contributions from members. Saved $1500 on guests’ companions. Ahead by $3400. Around 400-425 attendees (last year 450). Around $1000 in checks not cashed yet, but sent out (art show?). No bill yet from PepsiCo. [Secretary’s note: was report submitted?]
- Anime Iowa: Staff meeting time was announced (AI staff should already be aware. Monthly meetings will follow.
- Preplanning: Josh Elliott asked for permission to sign a contract for ICON in 2010 at the Cedar Rapids Marriott. Motion was made, seconded, and approved.
- Old business
- Vote was held to fill an interim board position until the Annual Meeting, since Dan Wojcik’s term was set to expire before elections could be held. Dan agreed to accept nomination to the interim position; motion was made, seconded, and approved.
- Expenditure Policy was formally proposed by Michele Maakestad. Requires capital expenditures in excess of $500, or which will use storage locker space in excess of a standard tub, to be approved by the Board. (Examples given were computers or refrigerators.) Motion was made, seconded, and approved.
- Josh Elliott presented a substantial revision of the current bylaws to the membership. Changes that were made include:
- Rearranged several sections for clarity
- Changed membership structure — it is now easier to maintain membership, and a distinction is made between voting and non-voting members. ConCom members (3 per event) are automatically members until the end of their project.
- Defines convention committee vs. project/project executive
- Normal, at-large board member term length solidified
- Motion to approve bylaws as written (with minimal typographical changes) was made, seconded, and carried.
- Database Committee: Ryan Kopf asked for approval to spend Mindbridge funds [dollar amount?] to set up a webspace to host the new registration database. Motion was made, seconded, and approved.
- New Business
- Christine Cromwell reported that our storage locker space has been purchased by Quality Care Storage Company; may soon have new (higher?) rates.
- Christine reported that our insurance policy moved from one company to another, rate changed slightly. Asked for approval to make a few changes to policy; informal approval was given.
- Money from old CDs has been reinvested in new CDs. Go go gadget interest payments!
- Members from AI (Pat McCauley?) brought up the previous discussion about climate-controlled storage space. Bryon indicated that a formal proposal would need to be made and asked for volunteers. Josh also commented that office/light industrial space was being investigated that might eliminate the need for outside storage space.
- Josh Elliott would like to hear from anyone aware of a way to contact Donk (who had done security at ICON in previous years). Please contact Josh if you know how to contact him.
- Announcements
- Book Group: next meeting Jan 19, 6 pm, Coffee Talk Café. Book is Body Bags, Christopher Gold.
- July meeting to be in Iowa City. [Secretary’s note: this has been subsumed by discussion at later meetings.]
- Idea of film discussion group was put forth; please contact Bryon if interested.
- Information was provided about a movie screening on Feb 5 (Sword of the Stranger); group passes are available.
Meeting was adjourned (exact time not available, around 8:10 pm) after motion, second, and approval.
Next meeting: February 4, Iowa City Public Library.