Attending: Jenny, Bryon, Catherine, Christine, Steve, Josh, Lindsay, Marty, Darla, Peter
- Old Business
- Vote on new preplanning member rep for mindbridge: Tabled
- Larger Storage locker: Marty will report next month
- Newsletter Proposal: Ryan will report next month
- Bylaws and Board Meetings: tabled
- Voting on New Board Members
- Discussion at the meeting allowed for suspending the rules concerning the Supercon election of board members
- Josh Elliott to Serve a three year Term Replacing Bryon, starting 10/1
- Ryan Kopf to Serve a three year Term Replacing Jenny Starting 11/1
- New Business
- Legal opinion on Art Show Copyright policy: Josh Elliott will be pursuing
- the most effective way to protect our org from lawsuits, a provisional $100 was allocated to pay for it
- Additional notes
- Josh: “We need a secretary, As I am not good at taking notes nor am I very good with the silly rules of the english language.”
- Christine: “The current storage locker fees for Penn St Mini Storage: $65 for our current 10 x 10 storage locker & $80 for one twice as large.”