April 2, 2008

  1. Introductions
  2. Call to order at 6 pm
  3. Minutes from last meeting
  4. Treasurer’s Report
    1. $ 9053.53 Mindbridge
    2. $25,000 Mindbridge CD
    3. $ 3903.19 AnimeIowa
    4. $25,000 AnimeIowa CD
    5. $ 9747.08 Icon
    6. $ 3006.75 Gamicon
  5. Gamicon
    1. $487.77 Profit
    2. 217 Attending
    3. Went well.
  6. AnimeIowa
    1. Next meeting April 19th
    2. Pay pals up and running
    3. Lots registering
    4. Cap 3000
    5. Room Deposit $50.00
  7. Icon
    1. October 31-33, 2008
    2. Copyright letters for art
  8. Preplanning Committee Report
    1. Icon 2009 and 2010: Coralville Marriot
      1. Potentially move that whole con into the Exhibit Hall
      2. Weekend after Thanksgiving, or October 15-17
      3. Willing to look at another hotel.
      4. No guests yet. Need hotel and dates
    2. Gamicon
      1. Still working on guests for 2009
      2. Hotel: Interested in signing a 3-5 year contract
  9. Other Project Reports
    1. Game Library
      1. Made some money
      2. Put $79 in Mindbridge Account
    2. Book Discussion Group
      1. April 25 at 6 pm Coffee Talk Café
    3. Technology Committee
      1. Database pruning
  10. Old Business
    1. Gamicon Bid: Passes
    2. Updating Mindbridge Fliers: Pending group approval. Ryan may take this on.
    3. Safety Deposit Box.
      1. Done.
      2. At Hills Bank at Old Capitol.
      3. Christine and Michele have keys
      4. $100 a year
    4. Technology Committee
      1. Database pruning
    5. Spring Picnic: Waiting for Dan
  11. New Business
    1. Copy Right Letter Discussion
      1. Will continue
    2. Key Master: List of keys
      1. Key master should be easy going
      2. Transportation
      3. Think of volunteers.
    3. Meat and Cheese Slicer
      1. A resounding no.
      2. Liability and health concerns
    4. Bulk Buy Badges
      1. 5000 badges
      2. Buy badges from Mindbridge
      3. Talk to all the con folks.
      4. Do it after Gamicon every year.
    5. Icon bid
      1. Some here tonight.
      2. Hotel information pending.
      3. Lindsay and Josh Elliot, Athena Foster, and Galen Silversmith con comm for Icon 34
      4. Other bids are accepted until next month.
    6. Meet at IMU instead of library?
  12. Announcements
    1. A visit from LARP guys. Hook them up. Yes!
    2. Three of five board of directors approve changing fiscal year from April 1-March 31
    3. Barnes & Noble: George RR Martin online March 14/li>
  13. Meeting Adjourned at 7 pm.

Next Meeting: May 7, 2008 7 pm at Chez Lynch in Cedar Rapids