April 2, 2008
- Introductions
- Call to order at 6 pm
- Minutes from last meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- $ 9053.53 Mindbridge
- $25,000 Mindbridge CD
- $ 3903.19 AnimeIowa
- $25,000 AnimeIowa CD
- $ 9747.08 Icon
- $ 3006.75 Gamicon
- Gamicon
- $487.77 Profit
- 217 Attending
- Went well.
- AnimeIowa
- Next meeting April 19th
- Pay pals up and running
- Lots registering
- Cap 3000
- Room Deposit $50.00
- Icon
- October 31-33, 2008
- Copyright letters for art
- Preplanning Committee Report
- Icon 2009 and 2010: Coralville Marriot
- Potentially move that whole con into the Exhibit Hall
- Weekend after Thanksgiving, or October 15-17
- Willing to look at another hotel.
- No guests yet. Need hotel and dates
- Gamicon
- Still working on guests for 2009
- Hotel: Interested in signing a 3-5 year contract
- Icon 2009 and 2010: Coralville Marriot
- Other Project Reports
- Game Library
- Made some money
- Put $79 in Mindbridge Account
- Book Discussion Group
- April 25 at 6 pm Coffee Talk Café
- Technology Committee
- Database pruning
- Game Library
- Old Business
- Gamicon Bid: Passes
- Updating Mindbridge Fliers: Pending group approval. Ryan may take this on.
- Safety Deposit Box.
- Done.
- At Hills Bank at Old Capitol.
- Christine and Michele have keys
- $100 a year
- Technology Committee
- Database pruning
- Spring Picnic: Waiting for Dan
- New Business
- Copy Right Letter Discussion
- Will continue
- Key Master: List of keys
- Key master should be easy going
- Transportation
- Think of volunteers.
- Meat and Cheese Slicer
- A resounding no.
- Liability and health concerns
- Bulk Buy Badges
- 5000 badges
- Buy badges from Mindbridge
- Talk to all the con folks.
- Do it after Gamicon every year.
- Icon bid
- Some here tonight.
- Hotel information pending.
- Lindsay and Josh Elliot, Athena Foster, and Galen Silversmith con comm for Icon 34
- Other bids are accepted until next month.
- Meet at IMU instead of library?
- Copy Right Letter Discussion
- Announcements
- A visit from LARP guys. Hook them up. Yes!
- Three of five board of directors approve changing fiscal year from April 1-March 31
- Barnes & Noble: George RR Martin online March 14/li>
- Meeting Adjourned at 7 pm.
Next Meeting: May 7, 2008 7 pm at Chez Lynch in Cedar Rapids