February 13, 2008

  1. Call to order at 7:00 pm
  2. Minutes from last meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. $34755.31 Mindbridge
    2. $37641.62 AnimeIowa
    3. $9595.55 Icon
    4. $3665.30 Gamicon
  4. Gamicon
    1. February 22-24, 2008.
    2. Room Block Nearly Full
    3. Budget Proposed for Gamicon Sigma.
  5. AnimeIowa
    1. Next Meeting March 8 at 2 pm.
    2. Departmental Sorting.
    3. At Door Price will be $60.00.
    4. Cap will be 3000.
  6. Icon
    1. No new news.
  7. Preplanning Committee Report
    1. Pretty sure we will have Hero Games for Gamicon Sigma
  8. Other Project Reports
    1. Game Library.
      1. New games added.
      2. Auction off games that don’t get paid to pay for those that do.
    2. Anniversary Dinner
      1. Went well
      2. Thanks to Michelle McKibben
  9. Old Business
    1. Mindbridge Book Discussion
    2. Ad: Waiting for Brian
    3. Updating the Mindbridge Fliers
    4. Safe Deposit Box
    5. CDs
      1. IC Credit Union
      2. $25K Mindbridge
      3. $25K AnimeIowa
      4. Five month special
    6. Server for Archives.
      1. Start Collecting Stuff. Denny?
      2. Online Registration: New Committee Forming
  10. New Business
    1. Gamicon Dealers Table Discussion.
    2. Paying for Mindbridge Domain
    3. Spring Picnic: Dan Wojcik
  11. Announcements
    1. SWAMP is February 18th from 1 pm – 5 pm in Pappajohn.
  12. Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.

Next Meeting: March 5, 2008 7 pm at Casa Lynch in Cedar Rapids.