Minutes from the January 2008 Meeting

January 9, 2008

  1. Call to order at 7:01 pm
  2. Minutes from last meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. $35,327.74 Mindbridge
    2. $38,326.36 AnimeIowa
    3. $10,182.28 Icon
    4. $1,611.83 Gamicon
  4. Gamicon
    1. Meeting a few weeks ago.
    2. Hobby Corner Sponsor
    3. Critical Hits Sponsor
    4. Exchanged information with another con.
    5. A GM Party on Weds Jan 16 at Critical Hits Soda and Munchies Provided.
    6. Events are looking really good at this point.
    7. Next meeting at GM party itself.
  5. AnimeIowa
    1. Sometime this month is a programming meeting.
    2. Meeting February 9th
  6. Icon
    1. Guests are set for Icon 33: Tanya Huff, Alan M. Clarke, Richard Klemensen
    2. Taking bids for Icon 34 Con Comm until 2008
    3. Staff and alternate positions for 33 are open as well
  7. Preplanning Committee Report
    1. Hero Games for Gamicon Sigma
  8. Other Project Reports
    1. Mindbridge Book Discussion Group: Last Half of Months.
    2. Cedar Rapids Book Group: Friday at Bill Gober’s House. Every second Friday. Location rotates among members.
  9. Old Business
    1. Ad: Waiting for Brian
    2. Trailer for art show: would use a lot of space in our current storage locker
      1. Need a bigger locker
      2. Or need a space
      3. So no.
    3. Updating the Mindbridge Fliers
      1. Michele needs pictures.
    4. At-large: Laura Thomas and Dan Wocjik.
      1. Winner: Dan Wocjik
    5. Custom Flash Drives: Michele
      1. Flash drives at the table as well?
      2. Also con gifts
      3. Data to take home from the con? Pictures?
    6. Steve will take money for Gamicon.
  10. New Business
    1. Tax Preparation: $500 allocation. Passed.
    2. Change in Fiscal Year from 1 November – 31 October
      1. Change to 1 April – 31 March.
      2. One fiscal year short 1 November – 31 March. 5 months.
      3. Board members will call a special meeting to approve fiscal year change in bylaws.
    3. How’s about other MB Merchandise for sale?
    4. Anniversary dinner. February 2nd at 4:30 pm. Zindrick’s in Cedar Rapids.
      1. Michele needs final count January 18th. Please contact her if you’re interested, ariesna@gmail.com
      2. Menus: $25.14 per person for 3 entrees. $23.88 per person for 2 entrees.
      3. Michelle will post all this to the list.
    5. Mindbridge needs a safe deposit box. ATM and Credit cards, PIN numbers.
      1. Get it at Hills? Jon will check.
      2. Keep PIN numbers separately. With the Stumps.
      3. Board will hash out particulars.
    6. Certificates of Deposit
      1. Open a savings account for Mindbridge $5K-$15K. Above we buy a CD for $10K.
      2. Penalty concerns.
      3. Lattering CDs.
      4. Christine can do this.
      5. In an emergency, we can pay the penalties.
      6. Bring in rates, transfer information for next time.
    7. Server to store archives of conventions? There are places to buy these things. Interested in talking about storing this stuff? Talk about forming an archivist committee next time.
    8. Announcements
    9. Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.

    Next Meeting: February 6, 2008 6 pm at Iowa City Public Library.

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