January 9, 2008
- Call to order at 7:01 pm
- Minutes from last meeting
- Treasurer’s Report
- $35,327.74 Mindbridge
- $38,326.36 AnimeIowa
- $10,182.28 Icon
- $1,611.83 Gamicon
- Gamicon
- Meeting a few weeks ago.
- Hobby Corner Sponsor
- Critical Hits Sponsor
- Exchanged information with another con.
- A GM Party on Weds Jan 16 at Critical Hits Soda and Munchies Provided.
- Events are looking really good at this point.
- Next meeting at GM party itself.
- AnimeIowa
- Sometime this month is a programming meeting.
- Meeting February 9th
- Icon
- Guests are set for Icon 33: Tanya Huff, Alan M. Clarke, Richard Klemensen
- Taking bids for Icon 34 Con Comm until 2008
- Staff and alternate positions for 33 are open as well
- Preplanning Committee Report
- Hero Games for Gamicon Sigma
- Other Project Reports
- Mindbridge Book Discussion Group: Last Half of Months.
- Cedar Rapids Book Group: Friday at Bill Gober’s House. Every second Friday. Location rotates among members.
- Old Business
- Ad: Waiting for Brian
- Trailer for art show: would use a lot of space in our current storage locker
- Need a bigger locker
- Or need a space
- So no.
- Updating the Mindbridge Fliers
- Michele needs pictures.
- At-large: Laura Thomas and Dan Wocjik.
- Winner: Dan Wocjik
- Custom Flash Drives: Michele
- Flash drives at the table as well?
- Also con gifts
- Data to take home from the con? Pictures?
- Steve will take money for Gamicon.
- New Business
- Tax Preparation: $500 allocation. Passed.
- Change in Fiscal Year from 1 November – 31 October
- Change to 1 April – 31 March.
- One fiscal year short 1 November – 31 March. 5 months.
- Board members will call a special meeting to approve fiscal year change in bylaws.
- How’s about other MB Merchandise for sale?
- Anniversary dinner. February 2nd at 4:30 pm. Zindrick’s in Cedar Rapids.
- Michele needs final count January 18th. Please contact her if you’re interested, ariesna@gmail.com
- Menus: $25.14 per person for 3 entrees. $23.88 per person for 2 entrees.
- Michelle will post all this to the list.
- Mindbridge needs a safe deposit box. ATM and Credit cards, PIN numbers.
- Get it at Hills? Jon will check.
- Keep PIN numbers separately. With the Stumps.
- Board will hash out particulars.
- Certificates of Deposit
- Open a savings account for Mindbridge $5K-$15K. Above we buy a CD for $10K.
- Penalty concerns.
- Lattering CDs.
- Christine can do this.
- In an emergency, we can pay the penalties.
- Bring in rates, transfer information for next time.
- Server to store archives of conventions? There are places to buy these things. Interested in talking about storing this stuff? Talk about forming an archivist committee next time.
- Announcements
- Meeting Adjourned at 8:15 pm.
Next Meeting: February 6, 2008 6 pm at Iowa City Public Library.
Prove to me that you’ve read the minutes! Post a sonnet to the list!