July 2018 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes 7 PM, July 4, 2018 at Jenny Carhoff’s

  1. Call to Order
  2. Jon will be out of state for the August Meeting, Victoria will run it for him
  3. Minutes – posted online, reading waived
  4. Treasurer’s Report – Up from last month
  5. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa July 13-15, 2018 in Des Moines
      1. Asked to make sure “How did you hear about AI” is on feedback form with one of the options social media
    2. ICON
      1. Next ICON meeting Saturday July 7, 1:30 PM at Coralville Public Library
    3. Gamicon
      1. Next meeting July 22 at North Liberty Pizza Ranch, 6 pm for food, 7 pm for meeting
  6. Other Projects
    1. Game Library – will be at AnimeIowa
    2. Book Group – Monday July 16, 6 pm, Scooters Coffee in CR, discussing Starfire: A Red Peace by Spencer Ellsworth
    3. Video Game Library – Purchased 12 new TV’s at $99 each rather than the expected $138 each!
  7. Old business
    1. Paid Iowa City Zombie March sponsorship for Mindbridge and the three conventions
  8. New Business
    1. Moved to give $50.00 to Bill Pitcher for say thanks for the TARDIS in both the Trekfest and Coralville Fourth of July Parades. Seconded, passed.
    2. Chris Verlo’s AI Advertising proposal discussed. Consensus is that it sounds good, Mindbridge is OK for AI allocating an initial $3,000 and more within reason with prior approval by the AI Exec Board.
  9. Meeting Adjourned at 8:21 pm

Upcoming Events:

Next meeting: 7 PM Wednesday August 1 at ARC of SE Iowa