Attendees: Bryon, Mark, Michele, Josh, Denny, Lindsay, Steven, Ryan, Pat, Megan, Michelle, Christine, Tobin, Meggan, Kris, and Marty.
- October minutes were waived.
- Treasurer’s Report:
- Icon: $15,878.77
- Gamicon: $1,349.60
- Anime Iowa: $44,472.67
- Mindbridge: $140,635.96
- $72,370 in checking
- $10,005 in savings
- $10,000, $25,384.57 and $25384.58 in CDs
- Gamicon Report:
- Lite meeting is November 16th from 1-5 pm.
- It will be at Critical Hits in Iowa City.
- There is open gaming, so come play.
- The mailer is all set to go out soon.
- Anime Iowa:
- Plans are set in motion.
- They had a meeting last Saturday at Icon.
- The next meeting is at 2 pm at the Coralville Convention Center on January 24th.
- Preplanning:
- Josh is currently in charge of Icon and Gamicon.
- Not sure who is in charge of Anime Iowa.
- Dan Wojick is in charge of Minebridge.
- We noted that we need one more Minebridge preplanner for this committee.
- Super Committee Meeting
- Three pernament positions confirmed/elected to the board were Ryan, Josh, and Steve.
- Dan is our current At-Large Board member.
- There are going to be two at-large positions for the BoD in the next by-laws update.
- Other Business
- We are still seeking a Mindbridge Secretary at this time.
- The Book Discussion group will be meeting at 6 pm on November 17th. The book is Old Man’s War by John Scalzi.