What: A call for volunteers for the Storage locker clean-up this Saturday.

Where: The Mindbridge storage locker. About 1/3 of a mile west of Hwy965 on Penn St in North Liberty. Penn St also leads to North Liberty exit on I-380. Locker 21 (Blackjack!).  If you need directions, try hitting up Google Maps.

When: Saturday, June 5th June 12th June 19th Reschduled due to the probability of rain. Starting at 10:30AM. Depending on the number of people who show up, It usually takes a little less than 2 hours. Note: on Friday night, If the weather forecast calls for rain, then Marty will post on our Google group that it’s cancelled and offer a new time.

Why: Because nobody wants to do it all by themselves…  If you work a department at a con, here’s your chance to do your own personal inventory. Volunteer points will also be rewarded. Or maybe you’ll be in charge of the inventory of volunteer prizage ; ) This year Marty plans on supplying a wide variety of chilled beverages (of the non-alcoholic type)

How: We will take almost everything out of the storage locker. The contents of all boxes and totes will be checked. Contents may be re-arranged more logically or reduce the number of totes in use. Labels will be applied/corrected/checked on everything. A rough inventory will be compiled. Everything will be put back into the locker as neatly and well packed as possible.

Who: Hopefully, you.

Any questions, contact Marty at 400-8231 or 337-5939.