We would like to remind you that the next Mindbridge Monthly Meeting is coming up next week.

Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2005
Time: 6:00PM – 7:00PM CST (GMT-06:00)

Monthly Mindbridge Meeting at The Mill Restaurant 120 E.
Burlington St.,Iowa City, IA 52240 Phone: 319-351-9529.

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes
Wednesday November 2, 2005
The Mill

  1. Call to order at 6:06pm.
  2. Summary of minutes from October meeting and ICON MB meeting.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Mindbridge Foundation $4,181.05
    2. AnimeIowa $25,404.91
    3. ICON $9,533.87 — this will change very quickly as bills come in and checks go out.
    4. Gamicon $2,027.18
  4. ICON Report
    1. Over all appears to have gone well.
    2. Wylde Nept was a success and thanks to Anthony for supplying the sound system.
    3. Had several people upgrade from the entertainment badge to the weekend pass.
    4. Currently working on new dates and con comm.
    5. New bids
      1. Anthony is the ‘stand in the way and get run over’ guy
      2. Josh is the ‘sit down, Anthony, and shut up for a while’ guy
      3. John Frick — ICON contacts, working with Jen on consuite, and handling something to do with TICC.
      4. Willis Buckles — facilities problems and LARP
      5. Josh Elliot — Dealer’s room, non-LARP gaming
      6. Galen — programming
      7. Sheryl Harper — Hotel Liaison
      8. Lindsay Jones — Registration and Hotel
      9. Ryan Hammel — Mindbridge Liaison — super vote tie-breaker
      10. Dept Heads —
        1. Jori — pubs advertising
        2. Michele M. — Art Show
        3. Charles Pehl — Action
        4. Brian Anderson — Volunteer Wrangler
        5. Michelle Clark — Masquerade
        6. Jenny Todd — Consuite
        7. Marty — Anime Room
        8. Still need to talk to JD about video room
        9. Off World possibly to do shirts again
      11. Budget
        1. Still looking at which hotel: Marriott or Clarion depending on the kind of deal can get
        2. No live performances currently in budget
        3. Looking at including pay pal costs as part of the pay pal registrations instead of eating it
        4. Going to try to sell ads this year
        5. Would like to get rid of alcohol in consuite and instead promote room parties, thus freeing up money for other things
        6. Based on attendance of 380 people and 30 comp’s
    6. ‘What kind of things are you planning to do to get the word out about the convention to increase attendance?’
      1. Advertising through the Gazette
      2. Mailing out as soon as possible
      3. Possible room parties at other conventions
    7. Goal per BoD is to vote on the Bids in December
  5. Gamicon Report
    1. Bid/Budget vote —
      1. Treasurer asked who was going to go out and get the 4 $100 program book ads? Answer: Concom is
      2. 20 yays, 2 opposed, 2 joshing
    2. Website is up
    3. GM party is Dec 17th
  6. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Post Mortem at ICON
    2. Did a brief space tour of the new facilities and everyone seemed happy with it over all.
    3. Concom is taking in emails on who wants to come back and what they want to do. Will be making staff assignments probably around the end of November.
  7. Pre-planning Committee Report
  8. Other project reports
    1. Game library needs to meet in November. If anyone wishes to be involved in the game library contact Michele Maakestad.
    2. National Novel writing month.
  9. Old Business
    1. People and Resource List: Cath sent it around the room for people to fill out their information or add their names and info to the list. Will have it posted on the yahoo group and probably the website as well.
    2. At-Large member vote:
      1. Candidates: Gino Dykstra and Christine Cromwell
      2. Christine Cromwell — 18 votes for and she becomes the new BoD member!
      3. Cath reminded Ryan that it is sort of like Charlie’s Angels now on the BoD because everyone else but him is a girl.
    3. Art Show and Copyright Discussion: Word from the Team? (Josh, DeNae, Ryan, Michele, Jen) — hasn’t had a chance to meet yet so no report.
    4. Advertising Team – Still need 3 people to work on advertising for the conventions, to send out flyers and do publicity – Michele M. is more than willing to give advise to the team but can not be on the team because of a conflict of interest with her job.
  10. New Business
    1. Meetings in Cedar Rapids? Denny Lynch has offered his living room for alternate meetings in CR. Tabled until BoD has had a change to discuss how we will be handling possible non-local proxy members. Question was asked if Denny has Guinness or is willing to get it…
    2. Thank you for everyone who showed up to the meeting and put forth work in making bids.
    3. Marty — Storage Locker woes —
      1. Was not happy with how things were left in there after AI as labels were ripped off some totes, stuff not put in right totes — come spring ‘there will be a day of reckoning’ where everything will be pulled out, possibly new totes purchased, maybe an inventory of the ‘permanent’ stuff.
      2. We don’t have a policy about people buying things and putting them into the storage locker — Marty will think about what the policy should be.
    4. Dan is appointed to pre-planning committee to replace Terry
    5. New members voted in with 1 person joshing:
      1. Megan Harper
      2. John Frick
      3. Lindsey Jones
      4. Josh Elliot
      5. Willis Buckles
      6. Dee Cooper
      7. Fred Coverdill
      8. Andrea Pratt
      9. Joe Pratt
      10. Anthony Hendon
  11. Meeting Adjourned.