We will do our best to adhere to this schedule. Be aware, due to the nature of conventions, that the schedule could change without notice.
Participants arrive and check in at hotel with Catherine.
Dinner at hotel restaurant for participants at 5 pm (at own expense).
Workshop sessions
First session: 9 am -11 am
Second session: 12:30 pm -2:30 pm
Third session: 3 pm – 5 pm
During the evening, participants can enjoy Icon’s concerts, parties, and panels, or relax on their own.
Author Seminars! Our seminar teachers will come from our great guests. Stay tuned for more details!
Participants will also be able to participate on panels and in readings on Saturday and Sunday.
Gather in the bar for socializing with fellow authors and workshoppers: Before and after Paradise Icon Reading
Tearful good-byes. Icon continues into the afternoon, and workshop participants are invited to stay and participate at the convention.