Every attendee of Mindbridge foundation activities has the right to be free from harassment. Harassment of anyone on the bases of race, religion, color, national origin, age sex, or physical or mental disability is prohibited by law and by the policies of this company. Harassment because of sexual orientation, personal appearance, marital status or other personal characteristics, is disrespectful and also prohibited by company policies.
Harassment can include such behavior as slurs, demeaning jokes or comments, innuendos, unwelcome compliments, cartoons, pictures, pranks, hazing, stereotypical comments, derogatory descriptions or other verbal or physical conduct. Such behavior is considered harassment when it has the purpose or effect of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment; or affects an individual’s opportunities.
Sexual harassment is a type of harassment that occurs when the verbal or physical conduct described above is sexual in nature or gender-based. Sexual harassment involves making unwelcome sexual advances, or requests for sexual favors or other conduct of a sexual nature, a condition of employment; or making submission to or rejection of such conduct the basis for decisions; or creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment by such conduct.
Any attendee who believes that he or she has been the subject of unwelcome harassment from staff or attendees, or from an outside party at our events, or who has observed harassment, is encouraged to identify the offensive behavior and request that it stop. If you are unable to address the matter directly to the harasser, or if you do and the behavior continues, report the matter directly to a member of the convention committee or staff representative designated to receive harassment complaints.
All complaints will be investigated promptly, impartially, and discreetly. Upon completion of the investigation, the appropriate parties will be notified of the findings. If an attendee, staff or outside party is found by the us to have harassed another employee, appropriate corrective action will be taken. This could range from a disciplinary warning up to and including removal from the event and all other Mindbridge events.
No one will suffer retaliation for reporting alleged instances of harassment. We must work together to prevent and stop harassing conduct at our events.
We trust that the members of Mindbridge Foundation company will act responsibly to maintain safe events, will treat each other with dignity and respect, and will work to maintain events free of discrimination and harassment.