January 2024 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Minutes Jan 3rd, 2024

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Down $4k Gamicon paid down payment for Hotel
  2. IT Officer (Tony)
    1. Bags ordered, cost $161.92
    2. Microsoft Office expense, $6/user/month for online only, $12.50 for offline
      1. This will give us the ability to have access to a joint account and joint files
      2. Offline would
  3. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. Moove In-Spoke with Regional Manager about Cost per month.
      1. Suggested move to Moove In Tifton,IA online price is $80/month per locker compared to $300/month per locker
      2. Don’t do contracts
      3. Pat.animeiowa@gmail.com
    2. Gamicon stuff was moved from the front of the locker. Also items were placed on top.
    3. Please dont move totes that are not for your con.
  4. Convention Reports-All conventions are looking for additional help.
    1. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 23-25, 2024)
      1. Most dealers are registered
      2. Game Master Jan 13th party Geek City 12- 5pm
        1. Register games to be in program book
        2. Any people who have been a part of Gamicon who have passed away please let Michele know
        3. Any other information to add to the program book please let Michele know
      3. Next Meeting 4:30 pm at Geek City and on Discord meeting Jan 13th
      4. Jan 13th, 2024 last day to submit event
      5. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: info@gamicon.org
    2. AnimeIowa (July 26th – 28th, 2024)
      1. Next Meeting Jan 13th 2-4pm
      2. Bid for 2025 needs to be submitted by May
      3. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact: execs@animeiowa.com
    3. ICON (Oct 18-20th, 2024)
      1. Post Mortem still yet to be scheduled
      2. People have been asking if the convention is even happening
      3. Staff email needs to be sent out
      4. If interested in staff or have other questions contact: concom@iowa-icon.com
      5. If interested in Volunteering contact: volunteering@iowa-icon.com
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library-Michele: Ninja Sloths added to game library
    2. Video Game Library
      1. Need assistance with running Video Game Library please contact Adam
      2. Adam needs multi hour volunteer at Gamicon
    3. Book Group
      1. Thursday Jan 25th will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read. At Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
      2. Midnight Library by Matt Haig Feb 8th at the same location
  6. Anybody wanting to become Mindbridge Members: n/a
  7. Old Business: If there are any problems or questions address them to Sheril from now until Feb 7th meeting Email mindbridge-bod@googlegroups.com
  8. New Business
    1. TrekFest 2024 June 26-28
      1. Need to talk about Mindbridge’s involvement
      2. Steve Tait contact point for people who want to be involved. Steve will not be at the Fest.

Next meeting will be Wed February 7th @ 7pm online and at the ARC in Iowa City ARC 2401 Towncrest Dr 2401 Iowa City, IA. Across the street from the church of the Nazarene, two blocks from the old building.