August 2023 Minutes

Mindbridge Meeting Aug 2nd, 2023

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Up $81K due to AnimeIowa
  2. IT Officer (Tony): 3/7 laptops are up and working
  3. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. Shelf is fixed in the larger storage locker (AI locker)
    2. The totes and shelves need to be label for weight
    3. All cardboard boxes need to be put into plastic totes to keep out bugs
    4. Due to unaccounted keys new locks will be acquired. When new locks are made do not make new keys
  4. Convention Reports – All conventions are looking for additional help.
    1. ICON (Oct 13-15, 2023)
      1. Next Meeting will be Sat August 12th at 4pm at the Penticoff House (6914 Amhurst Dr SW Cedar Rapids, IA) and online
      2. If interested in staff or have other questions contact:
      3. If interested in Volunteering contact:
      4. Looking for Panelist survey will be up shortly
      5. A JotForm is going to be created and sent out for Hotel Reservation
    2. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 23-25, 2024)
      1. Meeting Sunday August 27th at 6:30 pm in person (3132 E View Cir Dr Riverside, IA) and Discord
      2. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact:
      3. Right now looking at vendors Deadline Sept 1st
      4. Everything is going well
      5. Looking at new hotels to hold Gamicon in 2025 and beyond
    3. AnimeIowa (July 26th – 28th, 2024)
      1. If interested in volunteering, staff or have other questions contact:
      2. Just had the convention.
      3. 17 hundred pre reg before the convention
      4. Total attendance 2,800 to 2,900
      5. 492 Prereg for next year 21 sponsors
      6. The Dragshow and Burlesque show were very popular.
      7. $2,251 raised for the charity
  5. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele): At AnimeIowa
      1. 255 games checked out
      2. 105 unique games checked out
      3. Boop was the most popular game with 25 checkout
    2. Video Game Library (Adam): Was at AnimeIowa
    3. Book Group
      1. August Thurs 10th Book is Princess Bride By William Goldman (Abridged). At Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
      2. Thursday September 14th will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read.
    4. Anybody wanting to become Mindbridge Members
      1. Paul Price-Now Member
      2. Zero-Now Member
  6. Old Business
    1. If there are any problems or questions address them to Sheril from now until September 6th meeting Email
    2. Review Signage Bid-If any questions about the bid please contact: Chelsea Eldeen:
  7. New Business
    1. Any updates from previous on-call: i. No issues
    2. There should be a Mindbridge Cloud Database that would be used by all 3 conventions $125 per year paid by Mindbridge since it is a shared resource
      1. No sensitive data will be stored on the Database
      2. This will allow a more open model for sharing information across conventions
      3. Tony will be writing up bid
      4. Geek Fest:Cooking competition after a Mindbridge Meetings September 6th in Cedar Rapids and October 4th in Iowa City
        1. Please bring your favorite geek inspired dish
        2. They will be sampled and they will be voted on by attendees present at each meeting.
        3. Best of show will be awarded for each meeting
        4. Please bring the recipe and they will be compiled for a cookbook for our members
        5. Also bring a list of ingredients for people with allergies

Next meeting will be Wed September 6th @ 7pm online and the Penticoff House 6914 Amhurst Dr SW Cedar Rapids, IA