Mindbridge Meeting Minutes June 7th, 2023

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes-waved
  3. Treasurer’s Report (Jon): Up $40,652
  4. IT Officer (Tony): Bid for Laptop Acquisition and Future Acquisition Plan for Mindbridge IT
  5. Storage Manager (Pat)
    1. Holding pattern waiting for more information from the Marrott.
    2. Wood shelves need to be fixed
    3. Projector cart needs to be fixed
  6. Convention Reports
    1. AnimeIowa (July 28-30, 2023)
      1. Next meeting is Sat June 10th at 2:30pm at the Hyatt in the Duke Slater room on the 2nd floor in Coralville and also online
      2. Still looking for staff
        1. Family programming needs 2-3 people
        2. Environmental enhancements needs 2-3 volenteers
        3. Recharge team needs 4 people
    2. ICON (Oct 13-15, 2023)
      1. Next meeting is Sat June 10th at 4pm at the Duke Slater room on the 2nd floor in Coralville and also Discord
      2. Call for programming ideas is up. Click here for form
      3. We have an author and artist guests of honor
      4. We are doing Trek Fest in Riverside, IA Sat June 24th
        1. Float
        2. Information table
      5. Bid for 2024 needs to be in soon
      6. Web updates are being made
      7. Need somebody to take over
        1. email and social media
        2. Guests of honor liaisons
      8. In 2024 we will need new
        1. Head of security
        2. Head of Programming
    3. Gamicon (Next Gamicon Feb 23-25, 2025)
      1. Next meeting is Sat July 9th 6:30pm at The Maakstad house and online
        1. 130 Hackberry St, North Liberty
        2. 5:30pm for grill out bring your own food.
      2. Waiting on Hotel information
      3. Looking for events
      4. Looking for DM for
        1. Critical Roll new rules
        2. Candela Obscura
        3. 5D
  7. Other Projects
    1. Game Library (Michele)
      1. Game Library Inventory will be on Sat June 24th at 10am at the ARC 2401 Towncrest Dr 2401 Iowa City, IA. Across the street from the church of the Nazarene, two blocks from the old building
        1. Lunch and supper will be provided
        2. Retired games sold for $10/game
      2. Flamecraft won the tournament
    2. Video Game Library (Adam): 2nd lot of auctions will be going up on the Mindbridge website
    3. Book Group
      1. Thursday June 29th Legend and Lattes by Travis Baldree at Panera on Edgewood Rd in Cedar Rapids at 6pm.
      2. July 13th will be a general discussion covering the books that we have read and those we would like to read.
  8. Old Business
    1. If there are any problems or questions address them to Tony from now until July 5th meeting
    2. Anime Iowa needs more staff members for before and after convention
    3. All Conventions need volunteers if interested in helping please contact convention concoms
    4. By-Law Policy Proposal – Mindbridge On-Call Board Representative Policy
      1. This is introducing, into By-Laws, the process of having an on-call rotation among the current Board Members. Mindbridge On-Call Board Representative Policy
        1. Updates discussed and suggested to this document have been made, feel free to review to ensure accurate
        2. Will vote on this at the upcoming June 7th meeting.
        3. Motion passes
      2. Mindbridge Laptop Acquisition and Lifecycle Proposal
        1. This is for acquisition of new technology and peripherals for Mindbridge use across projects, as well as reallocation of existing technology and peripherals.
        2. Bid for Laptop Acquisition and Future Acquisition Plan for Mindbridge IT
        3. Will vote on whether to approve this at the upcoming June 7th meeting
        4. Motion passes
  9. New Business
    1. Signage Bid
    2. Anime Iowa bid
      1. AnimeIowa Bid 2024
      2. AnimeIowa 2024 Bid Budget 2.0

Next meeting will be Wed July 5th @ 7pm online and at the Penticoff House 6914 Amhurst Dr SW Cedar Rapids, IA