October 2011 Minutes

Minutes for November 2nd Mindbridge Meeting

  1. Call to Order
  2. Minutes from October Meeting were not read, but are posted on the Mindbridge list and web site.
  3. Highlights from the Treasurer’s Report were read.

  1. ICON Report
    1. We had another one. 383 attendees. Made a modest profit. Good feedback from attendees and guests alike.
  2. Gamicon
    1. Meeting this Sunday. Dealer’s registrations coming in.
  3. AnimeIowa Report
    1. Next Meeting — January 21st 2:00 pm at the Coralville Marriot.
  4. Other Projects
    1. Game Library — Was used well and well run at ICON. All games have returned home.
    2. Book Group — November 14th at Coffee Talk Café at 6 pm. They will be discussing Beggers in Spain by Nancy Kress.
    3. Film Group — November 18th at the Ian Philpott home at 6:30 pm. They will be viewing Logan’s Run.
  5. Old Business
    1. Visioning Retreat for the Mindbridge Board: November 19th from 10:00 to 3:00 pm at Coffee Talk Café.
    2. ICON Bid for 2012 was voted on and accepted.
  6. New Business
    1. ICON purchased the remaining ICON 36 T-Shirts and donated them to the Mindbridge Volunteer Prize System. They can be purchased for 50 volunteer points.
    2. C.J. Flinn was voted in as our newest Mindbridge member.
  7. Adjournment