June 4, 2008

  1. Call to order at 6:03 pm
  2. Minutes from last meeting
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. $16,647.91 Mindbridge
    2. $25,000 Mindbridge CD
    3. $47,190.67 AnimeIowa
    4. $25,000 AnimeIowa CD
    5. $9143.81 Icon
    6. $2926. 18 Gamicon
  4. AnimeIowa
    1. Registration 1120 including an estimate of snail mail and pay pal not yet processed.
    2. June 20th is registration cutoff date
    3. Meetings: June 21st at 2 pm; July 19th at 4 pm; August 2nd at 11 am (mandatory for staff)
    4. August 15-17 is actual convention
  5. Icon
    1. Theory happening.
    2. June 21st at 11 am next meeting
  6. Gamicon
    1. Working on guests
    2. Atlas Games and Out of the Box will send us free stuff
  7. Preplanning Committee Report
    1. *chirp chirp chirp*
  8. Other Project Reports
    1. Game Library
      1. *chirp chirp chirp*
    2. Book Discussion Group
      1. July 14th 6 pm: Teresa Prineas author discussion
    3. Technology Committee
      1. *chirp chirp chirp*
  9. Old Business
    1. American Express Cards
      1. Vetting process and fraud policy necessary before we hand over American Express cards to anyone in the future
      2. Prepaid cards for this convention. Christine will check into this.
      3. Bryon: enforce fraud policy if someone is naughty
      4. Michele: make these people sign the policy when they use any cards.
      5. Bryon: back up Mindbridge treasurer. Every convention has own treasurer, and then an overall MB treasurer.
      6. Christine agrees.
      7. Michele moves by law amendment: MB will have an overall treasurer, each con will also have a treasurer, MB treasurer NOT a project treasure. By laws also changed to support this.
      8. Lindsay seconded this.
      9. Bond for people that MB finds “untrustworthy.”
      10. This policy begins after 2009 Gamicon.
      11. Christine suggests AI specific rule: No con com, no treasurer overlap.
      12. Marty: vetting procedure for cash handlers. References, forms.
      13. Bryon: cons should vet?
      14. Some discussion of cons, treasurers, etc.
      15. Michele and Josh: Make it friendlier.
      16. Josh will put all this down on paper for a vote next meeting: vetting, fraud, changes in bylaws and manifestos, looking at MB cash policy.
      17. Michele: Let’s get this done by September, so Icon can use it.
      18. Bryon seconded.
      19. Send a communiqué to AI con execs to give them a heads up about the new policy
      20. Aye:10 No: 0 Josh: 0
    2. Trek Fest Table
      1. $30 Spend several hours under a tent to recruit and that we have conventions.
      2. June 28th in Riverside
      3. Who will sit at table?
      4. If Steve can find volunteers, do it.
      5. 10 Aye, 1 No, 0
  10. New Business
    1. Volunteer Points
      1. Bryon: All events should be considered equally. Let’s not do dollar amounts
      2. Ryan will write this up this document.
      3. Michele: Please talk with Michele McKibben before doing this.
      4. Steve: Announce before pre-reg closes.
      5. Josh: Convert points or cash in old points.
      6. Steve: 80 points and AI reimburse at pre convention rate. Just for 2008.
      7. Michele seconds it.
      8. Aye: 8 No: 2 Josh: 3
    2. New Secretary
      1. Will need one for September meeting
      2. Chris would be willing to be secretary from September until March
    3. List of committees that are not projects and members, as well as officers on line in an easy to get to place, with some form of contact information. The key master should probably be listed as an officer.
  11. Announcements
    1. Teresa Zesch Fundraiser: Teresa has leukemia. Benefit Garage Bakesale June 21st. Also Pampered Chef fund raiser. Will also take donations of money and stuff. Steve also suggested getting storage locker stuff out.
    2. All members please send her a card.
    3. TGAMSLC: Storage Locker Clean Out this Saturday, June 7th at noon. Water available. Wear sunscreen. Rain Date Postpone: Sunday. Watch the mailing list.
    4. Book Discussion June 9th at 6 pm Coffee Talk Cafe
  12. Meeting Adjourned at 7:11 pm

Next Meeting: July 9th, 2008 7 pm at Iowa City Public Library

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